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Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) as-a-service

ROI driven B2B marketing 

FlexxCMO is a fractional CMO service. It specialises in building a business-driven marketing strategy focused on 2 key pillars: Growth and Cost Optimisation.

Clients will work directly with Sandeep Pal, founder of FlexxCMO. Sandeep is an acknowledged marketing and sales expert in the Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) region.

Sandeep Pal


In a career spanning over 30 years in the technology industry with companies like IBM, Oracle and Citrix, Sandeep has held CMO roles across Asia Pacific for over a decade. He firmly believes that the only key measure of marketing’s success is: Impact On Revenue


He is a well known and respected marketing leader in APJ who has participated in several CMO dialogues and presented at B2B Marketing leadership events. Sandeep is also a ‘Thinkfluencer’ for Singapore-based Tigerhall, a leading knowledge sharing platform and has recorded several podcasts for them

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Sandeep speaker photo FlexxCMO Founder

FlexxCMO : CMO as-a-service


Integrated Demand Generation

For funded organisations that are looking to grow in selected markets or expand into newer territories

  • Creation of marketing objectives

  • Segmentation of target market

  • Building a time bound, full-funnel marketing strategy

  • Execution of plan for inbound and outbound demand generation

  • Optional: Identify and recruit marketing talent

Marketing Audit and Modernisation

For organisations that have an existing marketing function that they want to uplevel and modernise

  • Auditing the state of function and execution

  • Setting up revenue oriented, comprehensive measures of Return on Marketing Investment (RoMI)

  • Optimisation of execution, including the design of end to end lead management and streamlining process for marketing and sales hand-offs

  • Set up systems of control, management oversight and governance. Monthly and quarterly reviews




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